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The current




The current NOSLaM Steering Committee:

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CALLUM KINGAN - Chair Person

Callum has a long family history in North Otago and is the 3rd generation to farm at Windsor Park in the Waireka Valley. 
Callum schooled at Waitaki Boys High School and Lincoln University graduating with a B Com Ag VPM. 

After farming in Southland for 5 years Callum identified the huge window of opportunity irrigation was going to present the valley with and returned "home” where he now lives with his wife and 3 children.

Since returning in 2006 Callum and his wife have converted and grown the farm from a dry land sheep operation to a 350ha self-contained dairy farm and in 2018 was elected to the North Otago Irrigation Company Board of Directors.


Callum is committed to the community and its strong environmental awareness. 
To quote him, “this is our patch and we need to look after it.  We owe it to our future farmers to protect and enhance our natural environment, so as they too have the ability to prosper from the land”  

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Lyndon and wife Jane farm at Five Forks. They milk 420 cows on the 290ha farm running a self-contained operation, wintering all cows, rearing young stock and growing the majority of their supplement.


Their aim is to run an operation that provides good returns, has minimal impact on the environment and is a place where people enjoy working.


Lyndon is has recently stepped down after 6 years as provincial dairy chair for North Otago Federated Farmers.  He is also chairman of Kakanui Water Allocation Committee.  It is Lyndon's belief that we can have both a strong farming business and an environment that we can proudly handover to the next generation.


Lyndon’s passion is spending time on and off farm with Jane and their three children.

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Bridget and her husband James farm at Maheno. They are 5th Generation Farmers milking 900 cows on a self contained unit in an equity partnership with James parents and have three young children.
They converted the farm to Dairy in 2007 as a pathway to succession and are strong believers that running a sustainable dairy business goes hand in hand with caring for the environment. They regularly open their farm up to schools and groups and took part in Fonterra’s Open Gate day.
Bridget is on the Governance Group for SIDE (South Island Dairy Event) and is also studying towards a diploma in Agribusiness Management.
Bridget grew up on a sheep and beef farm before attending St Kevin’s College and then onto Otago University, graduating with a BA in communications studies followed by a Graddip in teaching at Canterbury University and then teaching at St Joseph’s School in Oamaru.
Bridget initially began working with NOSLaM in a paid role as their Engagement Officer strengthening NOSLaM’s connection within the North Otago community by working with schools, community groups and stakeholders. She has now moved into a voluntary Steering Committee Member role.

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Jo grew up rurally in North Otago. She and husband Ross, together with their three children farm on the coast at Herbert. They are proud red meat farmers with a 670ha operation that spans two properties.

An ex primary school teacher, Jo’s passion for people and the primary industries saw her start ‘Lip Gloss and Gumboots’ in 2018, a Regional Hub for like-minded agri-women to connect and upskill. She has recently been elected to the Central South Island Farmer Council for Beef and Lamb.


Jo sees real importance in taking the best possible care of farm environments, leaving them in a great state for future generations. She believes building collaborative relationships and working collectively help make this a reality.

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Born and raised in Oamaru, Kate completed secondary school at Craighead Diocesan School in Timaru, and is now married to husband Adam with three Children. Kate describes herself as an apprentice farmer helping Adam on their Dairy Support and Beef Farm by bringing specialised skills in systems and process that are transferrable to any farming operation no matter how big or small.


After graduating from University of Canterbury with a degree in Chemical and Process engineering (B.E. Hons) Kate worked in the energy sector for 6 years with roles in Operations Management and Project Engineering before moving to North Otago in 2018. Kate also holds a Masters Degree in Business (MBA) from the University of Otago.

Kate describes herself as being a realistic optimist, with a lot of drive and creativity. She enjoys bringing people together and working collectively with a long-term view to get the best results for land and people.

In Kate's words... “I see significant value at local catchment level to bring about the change that is necessary to see our whole community thrive. I wanted to be part of a passionate organisation influencing change at grassroots level by working collaboratively with other farmers and stakeholders”.


Kate has recently been appointed as a Director on the board of Ravensdown.

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Born and raised a sheep farmer from Wairaki Valley in Western Southland, Nic now lives in Duntroon , on a small sheep and beef operation.


A Graduated Batchelor of Veterinary Science, Nic brings a broad range of experience from working in farming systems both in NZ and abroad and holds a strong belief that while our interaction with the land as a whole is just a glimpse of time, we have a huge opportunity to respect those that have gone before and make mindful change to the imprint that we will leave behind. Whatungarongaro te tangata, toitÅ« te whenua – The person forgets, but the land remembers.

Nic recently stood down after 10 years with the South Island Dairy Event as trustee, governance board member and event organising committee member. A 15 year career as a share milker has also given her a genuine passion for a thriving dairy industry in this area. Nic worked as the NOSLaM Engagement Officer and Group Co-Ordinator before moving onto the Steering Committee.

To quote Nic... “NOSLAMs vision of an environment we are proud of, a vibrant community and strong agriculture in North Otago all resonate really strongly with my own personal and our family’s values. After spending time with the NOSLAM group, and seeing some of the work that’s being undertaken, it felt inspiring to be aligned with a group that is approaching todays challenges in such a positive, practical and meaningful way – definitely something I wanted to be part of.”


MELANIE TAVENDALE - NOSLaM Co-Ordinator and Connector

Raised on a farm in Papakaio, Mel attended Waitaki Girls' High School, and now lives in Kakanui with her husband Steve, and two children, Josie and Declan.


Mel has a Bachelor of Arts from Canterbury University, majoring in Mass Communication and Political Science, as well as a Diploma in Journalism from Aoraki Polytechnic. She spent nine years as a Councillor at the Waitaki District Council, six of those years as Deputy Mayor. In this time she chaired the District Plan committee, and the Rural Reference Group.


Mel and Steve now own and operate Hub and Sprocket Cycles in the Oamaru heritage precinct.

To quote Mel... “NOSLaM is an exciting example of a rural community seeing problems as opportunities and helping a community to help itself.  Through education and workshops they help bridge the gap between urban and rural in Waitaki, and clarify the way for farmers through a challenging legislative environment. The collaboration model is one of NOSLaM's main strengths, and is the reason the organisation has been as successful as it has.  I am incredibly pleased to be part of such a positive, proactive group."

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